Welcome to the application homepage of Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS), Germany!

You have the choice to apply to: 

1.)  HBRS PhD programs (Molecular Medicine, Infection Biology/DEWIN, Regenerative Sciences)

Applications for the October 2025 intake are accepted from 1st December 2024 until 1st March 2025!

To apply for the PhD programs at Hannover Biomedical Research School you first have to register. After registration you will receive an email including your activation hyperlink. By clicking on this hyperlink, you will confirm your registration and you will be able to logon to https://hbrs.cloud.opencampus.net.

Please note: if you had already applied to our HBRS in previous years, you need to create a new login/register new (new email, login, password)!

The confirmation email should come at once. Recently we had difficulties with addresses like gmx.de and web.de, probably due to spam filters. Please let us know if you face problems.

Follow the instructions during the application process and submit your application after you filled in all required fields. Please be aware, that you won't be able to edit your application after submission.

As a part of the application you will have to choose two referees who will write a letter of recommendation on your behalf. Please ensure that the email of your referee is correct. The system will send a link and login to your referee, so that he/she will be able to directly fill in and upload the evaluation form to your application. You can submit your application even though references are not there yet. We accept the evaluations till March 15th.

We wish you a successful start.

For detailed information about our graduate school, programs, admission etc., please visit our main homepage:

https://www.mhh.de/hbrs and especially the FAQ for our PhD programs: https://www.mhh.de/hbrs/hbrs/faq

Your HBRS Team

 2.)  Lower Saxony International Summer Academy in Immunology (LISA)

Applications for the academy in August/September are accepted again from 15th January until 30th March 2025! (Bachelor, Master or MBBS students)

To apply for the PhD programs and LISA at Hannover Biomedical Research School you first have to register. After registration you will receive an email including your activation hyperlink. By clicking on this hyperlink, you will confirm your registration and you will be able to logon to https://hbrs.cloud.opencampus.net. Please note: if you had already applied to HBRS in previous years, you need to create a new login/register new (new email, login, password)!

The confirmation email should come at once. Recently we had difficulties with addresses like gmx.de and web.de, probably due to spam filters. Please let us know if you face problems.

Follow the instructions during the application process and submit your application after you filled in all required fields. Please be aware that you won't be able to edit your application after submission.

As a part of the application you will have to choose one (LISA) or two (PhD Programs) referees who will write a letter of recommendation on your behalf. Please ensure that the email of your referee is correct. The system will send a link and login to your referee, so that he/she will be able to directly fill in and upload the evaluation form to your application. You can submit your application even though references are not there, yet. We accept the evaluations for PhD till March 13th, for LISA till May 21st.

We wish you a successful start.

For detailed information about our graduate school, programs, admission etc., please visit our main homepage:

https://www.mhh.de/hbrs and especially the FAQ for our PhD programs: https://www.mhh.de/hbrs/hbrs/faq